Top 5 Health Problems that Video Gamers Typically Face

According to studies, the number of gamers is increasing swiftly in different parts of the world today. Almost 2/3rds of Americans play video games on a regular basis. Although gaming is seen as a fun hobby, it can also be very addictive and have a negative impact on the overall health of an individual. For students, gaming has become very distracting. If they do not engage in gaming, they may also feel peer pressure, and to become a part of a social group, they might have to follow these protocols at times. The health risks of gaming are big. Even though the young population of the country may not realize it at the onset of this activity, the long-term problems cannot be ignored anymore. 

Gaming definitely has a number of benefits for students and adults alike. However, in this article, our main emphasis will be on understanding the health problems that people tend to face with gaming. In the following few sections, we shall attempt to understand the health issues that surround gaming and how they can be averted to some extent. 


Gamers have certainly recorded several injuries while gaming. Although it seems that there are no hard physical activities involved in gaming injuries, this does not make sense. However, as IT professionals often complain about carpal tunnel syndrome, gamers face stress injuries in their hands and thumbs primarily. This happens when the muscles and tendons are overused over time. Significant inflammation occurs, causing numbness. If these injuries are not treated in time, they can cause permanent and irreversible damage to the injured person. 

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Gamers have also recorded Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which is caused by inflammation of the nerves in the wrists. This can cause severe pain and numbness as well. Many gamers also suffer from Gamer’s Thumb, which means that the primary center of inflammation of the nerves is the thumbs. Swelling and limitations in the movement of the thumbs are identified in this case. Doctors advise exercises and limitations on the use of the thumbs or wrists to reduce inflammation. 


Gamers tend to sit in one location all day long to engage in gaming. There is very limited physical activity, which leads to a reduction in an individual’s metabolism. This is the primary reason why many gamers have started complaining of obesity and the associated health issues that supplement it. For example, individuals with obesity tend to develop other diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes. It is essential for gamers to increase their physical activity from time to time and eat healthily to ensure that they do not gain too much weight in the long run. 

Gamers who live alone and do not cook tend to consume fast food, which can further increase obesity. There are several other causes of obesity, like low metabolism and exercise, but it is essential that gamers should engage in regular exercise to reduce its probability. With high obesity, gamers tend to fall into the trap of depression and loneliness as well. As they do not interact with other human beings much, they lose themselves in the game and seclude themselves, which further causes a high food intake and reduced physical exercise. 

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Gaming is also associated with addiction. It is causing a number of psychological problems, and some of these have already been discussed in the previous sections. Professionals and experts in the field have found several criteria and behaviors over the course of 12 months that help in identifying whether a person is suffering from gaming addiction or not. Some of these include tolerance, loss of interest in other hobbies or activities, complete devotion to gaming alone, withdrawal from society as such, inability to control themselves from gaming, reduction in the number of relationships, and using gaming as a source of escape from real life. 

Studies indicate that a number of cases of gaming addiction are coming to light, and it is becoming a major cause of concern for parents and family members. As it is a new disorder, psychiatrists are still trying to figure out the right way to help young adults and individuals who are suffering from it. In fact, attempts are being made to completely understand the addiction so experts can develop the right course of treatment. Several treatment options are already being implemented. For example, support groups, cognitive behavioral therapy, education, labeling on the gaming packages to spread awareness, etc. 

Sleep Deprivation

Gaming is also leading to sleep deprivation and insomnia among young adults and individuals. With a high screen time, sometimes, it can be difficult for individuals to focus and get an adequate amount of sleep. Furthermore, as games are very competitive, it can become very difficult for some players to leave the game in between and go to sleep. They keep pushing themselves to reach the next level and beat the other players’ records. The competition and the drive to achieve something are so high that it can lead to sleep deprivation. 

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Many gamers agree that even if they are trying to sleep, they keep thinking about the challenges of the next levels, and that is why they are unable to sleep at times. Insomnia can itself lead to many other associated health problems and even violence. It can lead to a change in the overall behavior of a person, which can be very disturbing. Apart from this, there are many games that include a harsh amount of violence which leads to problems from the emotional perspective among the players that are particularly in the young adult group. This can also lead to violent actions from them. 

Although gaming is extremely fun, it can be concluded that it should be done in moderation. Real life should not be ignored, and gaming should not be seen as a way to hide from problems. Parents, friends, and family members should see the early signs of addiction and ensure that the children are kept away from them.