If you wake up, but it seems impossible to leave the bed – don’t worry! For instance, it might be that your body’s rhythm is messed up and I say this in the sense of biological rhythm. They are hormonal in nature and are driven by hormones all throughout the process. When you are on good terms with them they assist you keep a proper appearance and feel healthy. On the other hand, as soon as you start to argue with them…
Our Circadian Rhythms
Our body constantly receives one or another impulse: Because it is necessary to wake up, because it is time to lunch, because it is time to go to bed. These messages are all caused by hormones. They function with regard to certain physiological cycles of the human organism.
If a person has the right daily routine: He has regular hours of sleeping, eating and working he feels well, things go well for him when he is so engaged in his working time. But if he forces his body to dissonate with hormones – for example, regularly stays up late or ignores timely breakfast and dinner, then fatigue appears in the morning, and there is not enough energy during the day. And if this lasts for a long time, chronic diseases can appear.
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When people’s circadian rhythms are disrupted, a pathological state appears – desynchronosis. – Typical symptoms of desynchronosis: affection fatigue, conferred loss of mental and psychomotor efficiency, reported attention span deterioration, sleep disturbances, headaches, reported anxiety, delayed function awakening, depression, hyper-insulinemia, obesity.
Therefore, it is necessary to find out what signals the hormonal system sends to our body and do everything possible not to struggle with it.
Have a Cheerful Morning: a Good Awakening
The hormonal background is the first to react to the change of day and night. Hormonal production is regulated by the brain. Sensory and motor nuclei of the brain respond to the light and control the circadian rhythm. Melatonin and cortisol are the hormonal rhythms that are of great importance.
From midnight to 6am it’s the turn of the hormone known as serotonin in the human body. This is the hormone they term as the ‘happiness hormone’. But it also influences not only the mood – makes it better, but also actively takes part in the biochemical processes in the human body – corrects blood clotting, and helps the intestines work in unison.
Consequently, those who wish to wake up with good spirits may be recommended to rise from their beds before 6.00 am. But to achieve this, one has to retire to bed at or before the stroke of midnight as is widely recommended by several experts.
After 6:00, the level of the “stress hormone” cortisol in the blood increases. It conditions the body for vigorous activities, percolates better than coffee and produces power. Thus, it is also known as the ‘wakefulness hormone’. If you need to “move mountains” immediately after waking up, you should set the alarm for 6:00.
To help your body wake up faster, drink a glass of water at this time (with a lemon slice or a handful of berries). This will help you avoid getting dehydrated besides kick starting your metabolic system for the day.
And to finally wake up you need to exercise for 5-15 minutes. It will also provide you confidence and prepare you for the day ahead of you, that is why it is advisable to take breakfast.
Closer to 8:00, the concentration of sex hormones in the body increases – steroids, which help the body build a muscle frame and improve athletic performance. Therefore, this time is suitable for morning workouts. If you are used to working out in the first half of the day, now is the perfect time to put on your sneakers and go for a run or do strength training in the gym. Hormones will be on your side!
Time to Work: Work Productively
In accordance with our hormonal system, the ideal time for productive work is from 10:00 to 14:00. At this time, the neurohormones oxytocin, vasopressin, adrenaline and dopamine are activated.
The release of adrenaline improves reaction speed and increases concentration. Adrenaline is a precursor to dopamine, so after adrenaline surges, people experience bright positive emotions.
Oxytocin and vasopressin have similar effects, it is not for nothing that they are almost always activated simultaneously. For example, they participate in behavior that requires social activity (starting a family, having children). Vasopressin maintains vigilance and provides protection from physiological inaction in the face of danger. Oxytocin, on the contrary, allows you to be inactive, but at the same time not to experience fear, causing a feeling of satisfaction and calm.
Together, these hormones help the body effectively perform any work, both mental and physical. Therefore, in the first half of the day, it is worth planning all the work for the day and immediately begin to implement your plan. And the day will definitely be productive!